I might have gone a little crazy with my juicer. I over indulged myself at the farmers marker and needed to use my produce before it went bad. I normally try and only use my juicer once a week in favor of eating all my fruit and veggies whole, but I might have busted it out two or four times this week. Whoops.
It is starting to get dark earlier and earlier. My least favorite part of winter, next to snow, is it turning dark out at 4:30pm. At my old job, I used to go to work in the dark and leave in the dark. I never saw the light except through my tiny window. Since I ate lunch at my desk, I would go days without being outside in the light. All the beach time in the world can’t make up for that much sunlight deprivation. Thankfully I’m not going back to the dungeon anytime soon! LA has been experiencing a heat wave, and I’ve snuck in as much outdoor time I can before it turns cool.
4 kale stems
5 romaine leaves
2 handfuls baby spinach
2 celery stalks
1/2 large cucumber
6 sprigs parsley
1/2 large lemon, or 1 small
1 in ginger
1 organic apple
Cut veggies and fruit into large chunks. Place all ingredients in juice.
x vanessa
Will this work to just blend together or do you think you actually need to “juice” it?
You really need a juicer to get the right consistency, but if you have a high-powdered blender you could blend it then put it through a cheese cloth if you don’t have a juicer!