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Better late than never. I had all intention of putting this recipe up yesterday, but then life happened and rain happened. Did you know taking pictures when it is raining is the worst? I am considering buying some lights so rain can’t derail my photo days, but I don’t even know where to start. I love using natural light as much as possible. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
In case you didn’t know, it’s football season! Yes I am have been over the fact that my team sucks but that doesn’t mean I don’t enjoy watching other teams play. Whenever I’m watching sports or really any TV, I find myself wanting to constantly be snacking, which is not the best habit. I love chips and dip, but you know you open a bag and 5 minutes later the whole thing is gone. How does that even happen? I don’t know but it does. This week instead of overindulging in sweet potato chips and guacamole, I decided to make a veggie dip and serve it with veggies! You get like 5 servings of veggies in one sitting. Okay maybe not that many but you are definitely getting lots of vegetables in.
- 13.5 oz can full-fat coconut milk, popped into the fridge
- 1 large carrot, chopped
- 1 celery stalk, chopped
- 3 green onions, just the green part chopped
- 1/2 red bell pepper, chopped
- 1/4 sweet onion or 1 small shallot, chopped
- 1 garlic clove
- 2 tbls dill, chopped
- 2 tsp red wine vinegar
- pinch of salt and pepper
- 2 carrots, sliced
- 1 cucumber, sliced
- 1/2 red bell pepper, sliced
- 2 celery stalks, sliced
- Place carrot, celery, green onions, bell pepper, onion and garlic clove into blender or food processor.
- Mix until finely diced.
- Stir in dill, vinegar, salt and pepper.
- Scoop cream from top of coconut milk into veggie mixture and stir to combine.
- Place in fridge to set up for 2 hours.
- Serve with veggie slices!
x vanessa
For lighting inside you can get light bulbs that are “natural light”. You can use 1 or 2 in a regular lamps or a desk lamp to control the direction of the light. 2 daylight natural bulbs is a lot cheaper than buying a light set up.
Thank you for your recipe it sounds like something I’ll be trying.
Thank you so much for the tip! I will definitely buying some of those bulbs!
This looks delicious! Any ideas for what to do with the remainder of the coconut milk? I have never refrigerated coconut milk before so I’m not sure how much cream will form at the top and, thus, how much coconut milk will be leftover.
As a side note, I have tried many of your recipes and have always had good success! Whenever I am looking for a new paleo recipe I find myself back at your website. Thanks for your detailed instructed, delicious ideas and beautiful photos!
Ahh thank you!! There isn’t a lot of coconut water leftover but I love saving it for smoothies. You can also pour it into ice cube trays and freeze it. Then you can just pop those into smoothies!
Hi! I was wondering by “celery stalk” You meant an entire head of celery, or just one stick/rib of celery? Just want to be sure. Thank you!
Just one stalk! I will make that more clear in the instructions.
For the coconut milk do you use the whole can?
After you put the coconut milk in the fridge, the cream will rise to the top and separate from the water. You will just use the cream part.
Could you use coconut cream instead of coconut milk?
If I use the coconut cream (instead of the cream from the top of a can of coconut milk), approximately how much of the cream would I use? Looking to try this tomorrow….looks great. Thank you.
Hi Joey,
You can still pop coconut cream into the fridge and it should separate the same way as coconut milk. Canned coconut milk is approximately made up of 1/2 coconut cream and 1/2 coconut milk, while canned coconut cream is approximately 3/4 coconut cream and 1/4 coconut milk. I would use all of the scooped off coconut cream from your canned coconut cream except a few tablespoons.
Any idea as to how much this makes? I’m trying to party plan and don’t want to run out
Thanks in advance!
It makes about 2 cups!
Hi, this looks delicious and can’t wait to try it! Is there anything else I could use instead of red wine vinegar?
You could try apple cider vinegar or champagne vinegar. Possibly rice wine vinegar.
Hello I’m wondering How long will this keep in the fridge? Thank you!
It stays good for about 3-4 days!