Paleo purists advert your little eyes because we have an adult beverage coming your way! Just kidding don’t go too far because this drink is easily made into a mocktail! I’ve been a fan of cider since my best friend studied abroad in Ireland and talked non-stop about Bulmers Cider aka Magners here in the States. I used to be a Strongbow fan but recently heard they reworked their whole line to be sweeter here in American. Lame! I can maybe drink half of a really sweet cider and then I am done. That being said, this spiced pumpkin cider actually works really well with sweet cider! Angry Orchid Dry doesn’t need much extra sugar, while Magners definitely benefits from a little maple syrup. I used the spiced pumpkin syrup in my coffee this morning, and it was amazing!
Did you know the World Series is going on? While I am not the biggest baseball fan, it is somehow the sport I’ve been to the most various team’s games. One team stands alone as my most attended games, the Kansas City Royals. Back in the day when I used to go to games, Royals games were more for socializing then watching baseball. It was not the case this year! The Royals are in the World Series for the first time since 1985! 1985 people. That is a really long time. Everyone should be cheering for the Royals.
PS: You can make cute glasses like these with a sharpie! It comes off easily with a little dish soap.
Ingredients Directions Notes If you have a very dry cider, you can add an extra 1/2 tsp maple syrup per serving.
This drink is best served with a swivel stick because syrup will eventually settle to the bottom.
Enjoy and Go Royals!
x vanessa
I need to get some apple cider so I can make this mocktail style! One of the guys I work with is from Kansas City and is a huge Royals fan. He actually flew up there last week for the first game of the World Series! So I’ll root for the Royals just for you guys 😉
Aww, I was too late. Will have to save this for next year. Gives me some time to get some of those glasses anyway!
You can definitely still make this all through the winter!